Exploring Simple Siamese Representation Learning

CVPR 2021

Presenter: Hao-Ting Li

Date: 2021-09-24

Background: Siamese Network


  • signature [4]
  • face verification [34]
  • tracking [3]
  • one-shot learning [23]


Trivial solution: all outputs "collapsing" to a constant

Strategies for Preventing Siamese Networks from Collapsing

  • Contrastive learning
    • SimCLR: repulses different images (negative pairs) while attracting the same image's two views (positive pairs).
      The negative pairs preclude constant outputs from the solution space.
  • Clustering
    • SwAV: incorporates online clustering into Siamese networks.
  • BYOL: momentum encoder

SimSiam: Overview

SimSiam: Loss

  • p1h(f(x1))p_1 \triangleq h(f(x_1))
  • z2f(x2)z_2 \triangleq f(x_2)

Negative cosine similarity:

D(p1,z2)=p1p12z2z22\mathcal{D}\left(p_{1}, z_{2}\right)=-\frac{p_{1}}{\left\|p_{1}\right\|_{2}} \cdot \frac{z_{2}}{\left\|z_{2}\right\|_{2}}

Following [15], we define a symmetrized loss as:

L=12D(p1,z2)+12D(p2,z1)\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2} \mathcal{D}\left(p_{1}, z_{2}\right)+\frac{1}{2} \mathcal{D}\left(p_{2}, z_{1}\right)

SimSiam: Stop-gradient

Symmetrized loss:

L=12D(p1,z2)+12D(p2,z1)\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2} \mathcal{D}\left(p_{1}, z_{2}\right)+\frac{1}{2} \mathcal{D}\left(p_{2}, z_{1}\right)

Applied stop-gradient (stopgrad):

L=12D(p1, stopgrad (z2))+12D(p2, stopgrad (z1))\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2} \mathcal{D}\left(p_{1}, \text { stopgrad }\left(z_{2}\right)\right)+\frac{1}{2} \mathcal{D}\left(p_{2}, \text { stopgrad }\left(z_{1}\right)\right)

SimSiam: Algorithm

Baseline Settings


  • SGD
  • batch size: 512512
  • learning rate: linear scaling [15] (lr×BatchSize/256lr \times \text{BatchSize} / 256), with base learning rate 0.050.05
  • cosine decay schedule
  • weight decay: 0.00010.0001
  • momentum: 0.90.9

Baseline Settings

Projection MLP (encoder ff): 3 layers MLP:

  • (BN+fc+ReLU)*2+(BN+fc)
  • Hidden layer: 20482048-d

Prediction MLP (predictor hh): 2 layers MLP:

  • (BN+fc+ReLU)*2+(BN+fc)
  • Hidden layer:
    • zz and pp: 20482048-d
    • hh: 512512-d (bottleneck structure)

Experimental Setup

  • do unsupervised pre-training on the 1000-class ImageNet training set without using labels
  • evaluated by training a supervised linear classifier on frozen representations in the training set, and then testing it in the validation set, which is a common protocol

Empirical Study: Stop-gradient

Empirical Study: Predictor

Empirical Study: Predictor

Symmetric loss:

L=12D(p1,stopgrad(z2))+12D(p2,stopgrad(z1))\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2} \mathcal{D}\left(p_{1}, \text {stopgrad}\left(z_{2}\right)\right)+\frac{1}{2} \mathcal{D}\left(p_{2}, \text {stopgrad}\left(z_{1}\right)\right)

Without predictor:

L=12D(z1,stopgrad(z2))+12D(z2,stopgrad(z1))\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2} \mathcal{D}\left(z_{1}, \text {stopgrad}\left(z_{2}\right)\right)+\frac{1}{2} \mathcal{D}\left(z_{2}, \text {stopgrad}\left(z_{1}\right)\right)

  • The gradient has the same direction as the gradient of D(z1,z2)\mathcal{D}(z_1, z_2)

Batch Size

  • SimCLR and SwAV both require a large batch (e.g. 40964096).
  • standard SGD optimizer does not work well when the batch is too large (even in supervised learning [14, 38]).
  • Our results show that a specialized optimizer is not necessary for preventing collapsing.

Batch Normalization

  • (a) This variant does not cause collapse, although the accuracy is low (34.6%34.6\%). The low accuracy is likely because of optimization difficulty.

Similarity Function

We modify D\mathcal{D} as:

D(p1,z2)=softmax(z2)logsoftmax(p1)\mathcal{D}\left(p_{1}, z_{2}\right)=-\operatorname{softmax}\left(z_{2}\right) \cdot \log \operatorname{softmax}\left(p_{1}\right)

The cross-entropy variant can converge to a reasonable result without collapsing.

This suggests that the collapsing prevention behavior is not just about the cosine similarity.


Symmetrized loss:

L=12D(p1,stopgrad(z2))+12D(p2,stopgrad(z1))\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2} \mathcal{D}\left(p_{1}, \text {stopgrad}\left(z_{2}\right)\right)+\frac{1}{2} \mathcal{D}\left(p_{2}, \text {stopgrad}\left(z_{1}\right)\right)

Asymmetrized loss:

D(p1, stopgrad (z2))\mathcal{D}\left(p_{1}, \text { stopgrad }\left(z_{2}\right)\right)

2×2 \times Asymmetrized loss: sampling 2 pairs for each image

Hypothesis: Formulation

Our hypothesis is that SimSiam is an implementation of an Expectation-Maximization (EM) like algorithm.

We consider a loss function of the following form:

L(θ,η)=Ex,T[Fθ(T(x))ηx22]\mathcal{L}(\theta, \eta)=\mathbb{E}_{x, \mathcal{T}}\left[\left\|\mathcal{F}_{\theta}(\mathcal{T}(x))-\eta_{x}\right\|_{2}^{2}\right]

  • F\mathcal{F}: a network parameterized by θ\theta
  • T\mathcal{T}: a augmentation
  • xx: an image
  • ηx\eta_x: the representation of the image xx

Hypothesis: Formulation

L(θ,η)=Ex,T[Fθ(T(x))ηx22]\mathcal{L}(\theta, \eta)=\mathbb{E}_{x, \mathcal{T}}\left[\left\|\mathcal{F}_{\theta}(\mathcal{T}(x))-\eta_{x}\right\|_{2}^{2}\right]

With this formulation, we consider solving:

minθ,ηL(θ,η)\min _{\theta, \eta} \mathcal{L}(\theta, \eta)

This formulation is analogous to k-means clustering [28].

  • The variable θ\theta is analogous to the clustering centers: it is the learnable parameters of an encoder.
  • The variable ηx\eta_x is analogous to the assignment vector of the sample xx (a one-hot vector in k-means): it is the representation of x.

Hypothesis: Formulation

minθ,ηL(θ,η)\min _{\theta, \eta} \mathcal{L}(\theta, \eta)

The problem can be solved by an alternating algorithm, fixing one set of variables and solving for the other set.

θtargminθL(θ,ηt1)ηtargminηL(θt,η)\begin{aligned} \theta^{t} & \leftarrow \arg \min _{\theta} \mathcal{L}\left(\theta, \eta^{t-1}\right) \\ \eta^{t} & \leftarrow \arg \min _{\eta} \mathcal{L}\left(\theta^{t}, \eta\right) \end{aligned}

Solving for θ\theta

L(θ,η)=Ex,T[Fθ(T(x))ηx22]\mathcal{L}(\theta, \eta)=\mathbb{E}_{x, \mathcal{T}}\left[\left\|\mathcal{F}_{\theta}(\mathcal{T}(x))-\eta_{x}\right\|_{2}^{2}\right]

θtargminθL(θ,ηt1)\theta^{t} \leftarrow \arg \min _{\theta} \mathcal{L}\left(\theta, \eta^{t-1}\right)

One can use SGD to solve the sub-problem (7).

The stop-gradient operation is a natural consequence, because the gradient does not back-propagate to ηt1η^{t−1} which is a constant in this subproblem.

Solving for η\eta

L(θ,η)=Ex,T[Fθ(T(x))ηx22]\mathcal{L}(\theta, \eta)=\mathbb{E}_{x, \mathcal{T}}\left[\left\|\mathcal{F}_{\theta}(\mathcal{T}(x))-\eta_{x}\right\|_{2}^{2}\right]

ηtargminηL(θt,η)\eta^{t} \leftarrow \arg \min _{\eta} \mathcal{L}\left(\theta^{t}, \eta\right)

The sub-problem (8) can be solved independently for each ηxη_x. Now the problem is to minimize:

ηxtET[Fθt(T(x))]\eta_{x}^{t} \leftarrow \mathbb{E}_{\mathcal{T}}\left[\mathcal{F}_{\theta^{t}}(\mathcal{T}(x))\right]

One-step Alteration

ηxtET[Fθt(T(x))]\eta_{x}^{t} \leftarrow \mathbb{E}_{\mathcal{T}}\left[\mathcal{F}_{\theta^{t}}(\mathcal{T}(x))\right]

SimSiam can be approximated by one-step alternation between (7) and (8).

ηxtFθt(T(x))\eta_{x}^{t} \leftarrow \mathcal{F}_{\theta^{t}}\left(\mathcal{T}^{\prime}(x)\right)

Inserting it into the sub-problem (7), we have:

θt+1argminθEx,T[Fθ(T(x))Fθt(T(x))22]\theta^{t+1} \leftarrow \arg \min _{\theta} \mathbb{E}_{x, \mathcal{T}}\left[\left\|\mathcal{F}_{\theta}(\mathcal{T}(x))-\mathcal{F}_{\theta^{t}}\left(\mathcal{T}^{\prime}(x)\right)\right\|_{2}^{2}\right]

Now θt\theta_t is a constant in this sub-problem, and T\mathcal{T}^\prime implies another view due to its random nature. => a Siamese network with stop-gradient


By definition, the predictor hh is expected to minimize:


Optimal solution:

h(z1)=Ez[z2]=ET[f(T(x))]for any image xh\left(z_{1}\right)=\mathbb{E}_{z}\left[z_{2}\right]=\mathbb{E}_{\mathcal{T}}[f(\mathcal{T}(x))] \quad \text{for any image } x

In practice, it would be unrealistic to actually compute the expectation ET\mathbb{E}_{\mathcal{T}}. But it may be possible for a neural network (e.g., the preditor hh) to learn to predict the expectation, while the sampling of T\mathcal{T} is implicitly distributed across multiple epochs.


Our hypothesis does not involve symmetrization. Symmetrization is like denser sampling T\mathcal{T}.

Symmetrization is not necessary for our method to work, yet it is able to improve accuracy, as we have observed in Sec. 4.6.

Multi-step Alternation

θtargminθL(θ,ηt1)ηtargminηL(θt,η)\begin{aligned} \theta^{t} & \leftarrow \arg \min _{\theta} \mathcal{L}\left(\theta, \eta^{t-1}\right) \\ \eta^{t} & \leftarrow \arg \min _{\eta} \mathcal{L}\left(\theta^{t}, \eta\right) \end{aligned}

In this variant, we treat tt in (7) and (8) as the index of an outer loop; and the sub-problem in (7) is updated by an inner loop of kk SGD steps.

We use the same architecture and hyperparameters as SimSiam. The comparison is as follows:

This experiment suggests that the alternating optimization is a valid formulation, and SimSiam is a special case of it.

Expectation over Augmentations

We consider another way to approximate this expectation, in which we find h is not needed.

In this variant, we do not update ηx\eta_x directly by the assignment (10); instead, we maintain a moving-average:

ηxtmηxt1+(1m)Fθt(T(x))\eta_{x}^{t} \leftarrow m * \eta_{x}^{t-1}+(1-m) * \mathcal{F}_{\theta^{t}}\left(\mathcal{T}^{\prime}(x)\right)

This variant has 55.0%55.0\% accuracy without the predictor hh. As a comparison, it fails completely if we remove hh but do not maintain the moving average (as shown in Table 1a).

This proof-of-concept experiment supports that the usage of predictor hh is related to approximating ET[]\mathbb{E}_{\mathcal{T}} [\cdot].

Discussion (*)

Our hypothesis is about what the optimization problem can be. It does not explain why collapsing is prevented.

The alternating optimization provides a different trajectory, and the trajectory depends on the initialization.


  • Result Comparisons
  • Methodology Comparisons

Result Comparisons: ImageNet

Result Comparisons: Transfer Learning

Methodology Comparisons

Methodology Comparisons: Relation to SimCLR

SimCLR relies on negative samples ("dissimilarity") to prevent collapsing.

SimSiam \approx "SimCLR without negatives"

Methodology Comparisons: Relation to SwAV

SimSiam \approx "SwAV without online clustering"

Methodology Comparisons: Relation to BYOL

SimSiam \approx "BYOL without the momentum encoder"

The momentum encoder may be beneficial for accuracy (Table 4), but it is not necessary for preventing collapsing.

Although not directly related, the momentum encoder also produces a smoother version of η\eta. We believe that other optimizers for solving (8) are also plausible, which can be a future research problem.


SimSiam: Siamese networks with simple design

  • predictor hh
  • stop-gradient
  • symmetrized loss